Since 2009 we are (full of pride) a member of Alliance Gastronomique

The Alliance Gastronomique is a collaboration of skilled, driven and creative cuisiniers and restorers of 35 leading restaurants in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The association aims to promote gastronomy in general, and in the Netherlands and Belgium in particular.

The Alliance Gastronomique is the undisputed quality brand for culinary experience at the highest level, in terms of food, wine and hospitality, without affecting the identity of the individual restaurants.

The history of Alliance Gastronomique
The Alliance Gastronomique was founded in 1967 by nineteen Dutch restorers in response to the disturbing taste flattering at the time, a lack of professional training and a lack of quality culinary products. An innovative and unprecedented initiative for the Netherlands. After all, the Netherlands was not known for its high-quality food culture. Especially the snack bar and the simple restaurant were popular. Food at a culinary level, such as in Belgium and France, was still in its infancy and was a real feature for the majority of the population.

That the collaboration was a success was all due to the innovative vision, the faith and the perseverance of the initiators.
The Alliance Gastronomique is now 41 years old, making it the longest-established culinary partnership in Europe.

What does the Alliance Gastronomique mean for you as a guest?

  • All Alliance restaurants serve an Alliance lunch and an Alliance dinner menu with daily fresh, seasonal and / or regional products. This is the nicest menu that every Alliance restaurant has in house. The patron determines the composition and price. The Alliance menus can of course be served in vegetarian form if desired.
  • The quality of the Alliance restaurants is guaranteed by inspections.
  • An Alliance restaurant can be recognized by the Alliance shield and - where possible - the Alliance flag.
  • Every year the Alliance publishes the Guide Alliance with information about the members and culinary information. This guide will find the guest at every table in the restaurants and can also be sent free of charge by the Alliance office.
  • The website contains current information about the restaurants, packages and activities.
  • The Alliance issues gift vouchers. More on this at .
  • Every year the Alliance organizes an event to strengthen the contact with the guest.
  • The Alliance office is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM to provide information and sell gift vouchers.
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